Monday, August 18, 2008

More of La SketchUp developments...

This was my initial plan of interlocking sort of grid of units, that rotate around a central point.

I took this idea and had a go at it in SketchUp - still looks a bit naf, but the ideas seem to be coming together.

Here's a 3D shot of the spaces - I've tried to create the high walls, that will create the internal tower, but I'm still having trouble.I'm finding my spaces aren't interlocking in the way that I had hoped - the wall thicknesses and heights are all the same [BORING] and I have lots of random walls [and stairs] darting around the place.

But [as you can see... Voila!] I'm getting these interesting junctions of spaces with a variety of high walls, narrow corridors, long staircases, winding passages etc.

These units come together to this central space [that I haven't really resolved yet - still in the process...] which will become the central tower. The idea is that for foreign visitors the spaces are confused in the way they meet and cross, yet for Mr. Angel Keeper it is almost an interactive space of reflection [yet movement] between units.

Anyhoo... More to come soon enough!

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